Course (navigation)

In navigation, a vehicle's course is the angle that the intended path of the vehicle makes with a fixed reference object (typically true north). Typically course is measured in degrees from 0° clockwise to 360° in compass convention (0° being north, 90° being east). Course is customarily expressed in three digits, using preliminary zeros if needed, e.g. 058°.


Determining the true course of a vessel

Determining the track

The track or course over ground, is the actual path followed by the vessel from A to B. In the above given scheme, the corrections are shown that must be implemented to obtain the track of the vessel. Some ambiguity exists in the fact that the path a navigator intends to follow, after evaluating and counteracting possible effects of wind and current, is also called a track.

In real life, crosswinds and cross current occur which deflects the aircraft (or vessel) from its original heading (when this is not a headwind or a tailwind). The aircraft or vessel points more or less into the wind. The amount of this depends on the vehicle's speed, the wind's speed, and the angle of the wind in relation to the vehicle. To correct for these, the so-called wind correction angle and water flow correction angle is computed in advance and is frequently checked while "enroute". To correct for the water, often a correction of 20° is foreseen, while the correction for the wind is generally around 10°. Although these are the general values, the values for the correction are, of course, dependent on each individual vehicle; as such, the actual values are often found on a case-by-case method using trial and error. In the above scheme, the track would be (9) for wind from port side.

GPX is an XML schema for storing track logs.

Aircraft heading

An aircraft's heading is the direction that the aircraft's nose is pointing.

It is referenced by using either the magnetic compass or heading indicator, two instruments that most aircraft have as standard. Using standard instrumentation, it is in reference to the local magnetic north direction. True heading is in relation to the lines of meridian (north-south lines). The units are degrees from north in a clockwise direction. East is 90, south is 180 and west is 270 degrees.

thrust vector
Aircraft performing a crosswind landing

Note that, due to wind forces, the direction of movement of the aircraft, or track, is not the same as the heading. The nose of the aircraft may be pointing due west, for example, but a strong northerly wind will change its track south of west. The angle between heading and track is known as the drift angle or crab angle.



See also
